Enough Already!!!
It has been a while since I've posted for a couple of reasons. One, I've been trying to relocate with all that entails. And two, I felt that other blogger's were covering most of what I would have wanted to say and/or I didn't feel that it was appropriate to blog on the topic at the time.Be that as it may, it is with a combination of dismay and disgust that I've watched the far right implode over the two SCOTUS nominations. Why is that the more extreme one's beliefs are (right or left) the more certain is their opinion that they represent the 'silent majority' or grass roots. If I hear grass roots one more time, I'm getting my lawn mower and Round Up weed killer!! ;-)
One needs look no further than the current Republican Senate leadership for an obvious reason why the President would not seek a more directly confrontational nomination for the Supreme Court. In the nomination/confirmation process, it takes two - the president's nomination and the confirmation of the US Senate. To win a confrontoversial or confrontational nomination, it requires that the Senate Majority (in this case the Republicans) support the nomination and be willing to mobilize the resources and stand in for the fight. The current Republican leadership has repeatedly demonstrated that not only has it no will for a fight, but is more than willing to surrender pre-emptively to avoid any possibility of appearing willing to fight for any principle what so ever. Collegisim at its worst, or finest depending on your perspective; the Politburo could give no finer example.
Given this environment, why would any President, much less this one who has proven repeatedly his ability to out manuver his political opponents, do something as stupid as set himself up to fail? He would be forced to spend all of his personal political capitol in an effort that is bound to fail without ardent support from the Republican majority with the end result of no confirmation and his entire political agenda derailed for the remainder of his term. That may be fine for a 'lame duck' president who is just a place keeper, but that does not describe President Bush or his agenda for his second term.
The far right is crying foul because they are dying for a fight. Victory or the political consequences of the fight they think they want are not even considerations. Its the fight they want, and if they can't get it with the Dems, they seem more than willing to eat their own young to get a fight within their ranks. It is the same self destructive pattern that most of us abhorred in the far left that has taken control of the Democrats, the same pattern that at the same time we must credit in part for the victory of moderates and conservatives in recent elections.
The lesson that becomes apparrent is that extremism/extremists can and will justify any act or behaviour to reach their goals. Methods of operation do not differ, nor does the gist of the rhetoric, "My way or No Way!!". All are to avoided and should probably be given joint quarters at some island with monthly air drops of rations and little else.
But I digress... My own opinions for what it may be worth is that President Bush is far smarter than his opponents on either extreme. He has a growing track record of out smarting his foes, letting them spin their own hanging rope, then yanking the trap door beneath their feet. I also believe that based on the Souter and O'Conner experience, he feels that past academic/legal credentials are not a reliable guiding principle in trying to forecast a person's performance once they become a SC Justice. I believe he is trying a different approach, at least different in today's current political environment. I believe he is truly, based on his working experience with these individuals and his own perception of their internal 'code of conduct', trying to select nominees who may really stay the course and hold the same or similar beliefs to his own regarding the role of the Supreme Court and the Constitution.
Like any President, he must await the test of time to see if he was correct in his perception, or if he was deceived, as in Souter's case.
I believe President Bush is smart enough both to pick his fights, and to pick the place and time to his greatest advantage. That is what he has demonstrated to this point, despite jeers from both sides, and I see no reason to expect less now.
As for the right and far right extremists that can't seem to get over it...
Get Over It and STFU!!
Cordially yours.
Beldar at BeldarBlog has an excellent overview of the legal side of Mier's career and the hysterical (my words) overstatement of what it takes to be a member of SCOTUS that is currently making the rounds.
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