Liars and Damned Liars...
The truth is often the first KIA in any political argument, as history shows us over and over again. Hitler's regime made infamous the Big Lie, something that was so outrageoulsy false that people thought it must true, for who would lie is something so obvious?The communist parties of the various communist states following WWII did not hesitate to use this tactic, and we see it again today in various forms across the world.
However, Americans have always felt that the US was the exception to the rule. Our free press, supposedly objective and non-partisan, was our watchdog against such a tactic here.
As they say, Reality Bites!
In the Senate chamber yesterday, Sen. Harry Reid engaged in such a blatant and zealous use of the Big Lie is his arguments about the Senate Filibuster rule. Unknown to everyone in US government and Political science majors everwhere, the cloture vote (the vote to stop debate) is now an up/down vote for a Presidential nominee. We poor saps, and the Republicans are just too stupid to realize this.
Where, you may ask, are our Media watchdogs that should be taking him to task over this? Well, has aided and abetted the murder of the truth at every turn, in a blatant push of a anti-US and anti-Bush advocacy.
Human Events carries an excellent article on this here.
I believe an an American pundit once said "...there are Liars, and then there are Damned Liars". I know where I rank proliferators of the Big Lie...
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