Out of control...
I wasn't around to see/hear this, but The Anchoress is a livid as ever I've read her blog. And I cannot disagree. MSM/The 'Press' see their role not as a reporter, but now as an advocate of anything anti-US. It is not always overt, but like too much salt in the soup - it is always there.If public backlash builds and results in sometime of outright restraint placed on the press, I believe that would be a tragedy and an ominous indicator for our future as a country. Yet, at the same time, MSM will have no one to blame but themselves.
With privilige and or power, comes a corresponding level of responsibility; you cannot have one without the other. Said another way, privilige is earned by showing a higher level of responsibility - it is not something that is an inherent right or that is owed to someone just because of who they are. This is the way, the tenents under which I was raised an taught and nothing I have seen has shown this to be in error. Far from it, some of the most egregious acts of injustice I've seen have been committed by people(s) who have forgotten or ignored the corresponding responsibility that went with the privilige they tried to hide behind.
Such is the situation with the Press/MSM today - they feel no responsibility, no connection to the consequences that result from their actions. They hide behind the phrase "just reporting" like a teenager, when if fact the press hasn't just reported on the news in modern History.
I don't pretend to know the answer, but I know where I would start. It might take a few days, but I believe a squadron of C-5's could get all the so called reporters into the Saudi desert within a few days. A liter a water each, and 'see ya!'. Let them explain to all those friendly folks "we're just reporters, we're not responsible". I think it will go over in a big way.
Of course the proper, legalistic method in our litigous society would be to charge Newsweek, its editorial staff, and the reporter with one or more of the following: negligent homicide with malice aforethought, manslaughter, reckless endagerment, negligence, TREASON, (going to the civil side), wrongful death. I see decades of class action litigation here, enough to hit MSM where it really counts - in the pocket book.
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