Durbin - Key Indicator for the Left/Dems
I've been lax posting lately, mainly because I wanted to see where some of the 'hot' issues were going before saying much. There was/is certainly no shortage of other commentators on Sen. Durbin's remarks, so I don't want to re-hash too much of this.If you work in the real world/business very much, then you are likely familiar with the concept of Key Indicators. These can be trends, performance numbers, or other data that gives a snap shot view of where a process/operation/organization, etc is at relative to its goals.
They can also be more 'subjective', based on statements of purpose, desired goals, vs. real world achievement of those same objectives.
Sen. Durbin's remarks were read from a prepared statement, so it is safe to assume that it was prepared, reviewed through various drafts, and finally approved with the assistance of various staff members. As the #2 Dem in the Senate, it should be safe to assume that at least some other members, with Sen Reid topping the list, were at least aware of the subject of that statement, if not the entire content, prior to its being made.
That speech/statement, offensive as it is, should be placed in context with both current and past statements coming from the same idealogical base. When viewed as a 'tapestry' with John Kerry's Winter Soldier testimony from the 60's up to present day statements from other comparative intellectual stars such as Sen. Peloski, it is apparent that Sen. Durbin's speech was not particualarly extreme. In fact, it tracks rather well in POV, and is somewhat less strident that similar subject matter that is part of the historical record.
What is telling about this, is at the time of the WinterSoldier testimony, this type of POV was attributed to the radical left, and not in any way to main stream politicians (excepting Kennedy). Move to present day, and it is now the core ideology of the what purports to be the mainstream Democratic Party. This leftward shift of the Democratic party is accompanied by a corresponding trend in loss of seats in both houses, and loss of viable candidates for the executive branch.
In response, the Democratic Party has begun to do something usually seen in non-democratic regimes. They have begun to denigrate and vilify the people who are not electing them, as too uneducated and ignorant to make the right decision. The sub text here, is that the Dems/left do know what is best for everyone, no matter what the majority thinks. This perspective is being used as a justification for further radicalization of the Democratic Party, and its increasing dependence on victimhood. (The more worrisome sidebar, is this same POV has been used to justify violent revolt.)
This is being accompanied by a blatant effort to re-write the history of the Democratic Party and the political positions it has taken overtime. Key party leaders have been caught in public statements attributing the positions and actions of the Democratic party of the time to the Republicans (civil rights obstruction/filibuster, support for slavery, discriminatory Jim Crow legislation in the South, Civil War reconstruction abuses, to name just a few), in an attempt to change this historical perception of where the Democratic Party has stood on critical issues.
The obvious anti-religion position of the Democratic Party is part and parcel of this. Like the Communist Party in the Soviet Union, N. Korea, and China, the Democratic Party is a jealous god and will not suffer its followers to have any God or religion other than itself. A key tool in this is the efforts of the ACLU, whose activities have little or nothing to do with the support of the constitutional law.
As a result, a political framework is being created for the emergence of a new center positioned political party to fill the void created by the current Democratic Party. The most likely scenario for this would be the fragmentation of the current Democratic Party during the 2006/2008 election cycle. The danger would be a rightward radicalization of this new party as it seeks to differentiate it self from its origins. Ideally it would straddle the center/left and center/right line, bringing in supporters from both of the current parties.
Time will tell how the current situation will evolve. The Republicans must become more articulate in presenting both the positions and their view of the future. This apparent inability to present a true leadership vision except in extremis (aka 9/11) is the only reason the current radical Democrats have held on to the public positions they do have.
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