Thursday, January 27, 2005

Hysteria - the Mantra of the Left?

Thanks to the Anchoress for pointing out this story from George Will.

What is interesting about this is its applicability to most of the liberal/left reaction to any 'questioning' of the rightness of their views and vilification of anyone who seeks meaningful debate or discussion.

I believe it is this inherent paternalism, the view that the view elites must decide for the peasant majority, that completely informs the left's world view. This directly contradicts the Founder Fathers belief in the rightness and superiority of the judgement of the many over the few.

Socialism, to the left, is once again the ideal now the the pesky negative image/news of the USSR is gone (the media pretty much ignores the Chinese and North Koreans in this regard). The 'children' of the 60's fell hook line and sinker for a sales pitch that wouldn't sell water to a man dying in the desert.

Like the Marxist in the USSR, and the Maoist, etc., the plan/idea can't be flawed, so it must be people. They just need more indoctrination to see the rightness of the cause.

Don't ever doubt that the left, as currently constituted, is the enemy of democracy. This was not always so, and hopefully, will not always be so. But as long as they preach of an ignorant majority, they believe in the tyranny of the self righteous intellect. A no bloodier, cold hearted tyrant has ever ruled. Just look at the atrocities, the killing fields in Cambodia, the re-education camps in Vietnam, the list goes on through out recent modern history and back. Paternalistic rule by an elite over an imagined 'peasantry' will always result in atrocity, since they really know best...


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