Thursday, January 27, 2005

9/11 2001 - The start of WWIV?

It has been postulated on several blogs and in some think tanks that the US and Western civilization has been in an almost continuous state of World War since the end of WWII.

WWII marks the last of the 'classic' wars, focused on direct confrontation on a world wide level. The lessons that both sides learned is unrestrained military warfare in modern times is so devestating to the infrastructure of the societies on both side, that any victory may be Phyrric in nature; better only because losing is worse. The world survived and rebounded from WWII primarily because the US economy was intact and capable of 'driving' the recovery of the rest of the world despite their devestated support structures and industry.

WWIII, consequently, was a war by proxy and economic engines. There were casualties, 'brush wars' were fought, but the main protaganists fought behind the scenes. The goal was to drive their adversary politically and economically into ruin. It took decades, but the US and the West eventually defeated the USSR in the shadow version of World War.

WWIV would seem to be a religious war, a resumption of expansion of militaristic Islam across the world. History will be the ultimate arbiter of whether this is true and who the victor is.

However, the current climate is the West/US of nay saying anyone who may voice a concern or cautioning note is doing a dis-service to everyone. The virtual 'no touch' rule in any discussion of the current activist violent bent of Islam simply serves to construct a cover under which actions against the interest of the West are proceeding.

This is not to say that Judeo/Christianity is without its darker history. However, Christianity has undergone (and continues to under go) a reformation with the overall result of purging these anachronisms. Islam has undergone no such reformation, and enthusiastically condemns to death anyone who dares to question any of its tenets. Speaking out of the other side of their mouth, they then state that no one takes the more vicous tenets literally.

Religous wars are the most bloody and violent of all as we've all seen in the opening skirmishes of this one through the Balkans. I do not pretend to be an expert on Islam, but I do judge the intent of its practioners based on their actions. There has been no statements of outrage, horror, or indignation at the atrocities committed in Islam's name. If anything, there has been an astoudning quiet, or even statements of support, weak rationalizations justifying behaviour that Hitler and his henchmen would have approved of as well. No one will ever know the true details of the slaughter rooms found in Fallujah, but it is telling that most of the horror was expressed in the West, even though most media tried to not report on it.

The Romans said it best - "Silence is assent"; by their silence the leadership of Islam is expressing their true goals.

Jihad Watch has some of the most detailed and researched information on this, so read more there.


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