Thursday, January 27, 2005

Social Security Reform - AARP being dishonest?

I've read and exchanged correspondence with the AARP on the Social Security Reform issue. The best I can say about their stance is that they think that PSA's are fine for AARP management and bad for everyone else. Based on their information, no one should ever invest in a 401K or Keogh retirement account.

I have previously pointed out links directly to Federal Reserve studies and other research that put the lie to much of the scare tactics/information being promulgated by both the Democrats and AARP.

Howerver, this article by Merril Matthews at Human Events, does a far better job than I did is taking apart the Dems/AARPs argument on each point.

Has anyone noticed a certain parallelism here? If there is an issue that the administration, conservatives, etc (pick your group/constituency) has acted on as an immediate priority, then the Left/Dems proclaim it to be an impending crises. Howerver, let one of their opponents actually propose a workable, feasible solution, then suddenly the status quo is just fine.

Read the article and come to your own conclusions. No matter which way you decide, let your congressmen know.


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