Thursday, January 27, 2005

Pompous Windbags...

Another belch from the harbor in Senator Kennedy.

FYI, in case the media missed it, OJ was not the most prominent 'rich' citizen to use his position and fortune to avoid murder/manslaughter charges.

It is interesting, in sick and pathetic sort way, to hear both Kennedy and Kerry carry on about the war in Iraq. Yet their statements in the public record leave no doubt that they read and agreed with the same CIA analysis that the Administration used and is now being vilified for.

The true target of their ire should be the intelligence agencies (where Bush is trying to overhaul their politicized management) who provided such erroneous information. But wait, that might mean they would have to hold themself responsible for trying (and in many cases succeeding) in gutting the budgets of these same organizations. Can't have that now can we...


Perspective on Sen. Kennedy's speech by an Iraqi-American (thanks to PowerLine).


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