Who are the children here...
See this story at Everything I know is Wrong. I wish I could say this is an isolated incident, but we are seeing more criminilaztion of children's 'normal' behavior everywhere.Everyone is so frightened of another Columbine, that children are now seen automatically as potential mass murders for exhibiting normal childish behavior. What is horribly frightening in these incidents is the absolute abdication of adult judgement and responsibility by the supposed 'adults' in charge.
Children are and should be expected to behave as children, showing poor judgement and over reacting to minor things. It is part of the growing and learning process. This same behavior in adults, and to the extent the excusing of this to the extent that we allow it to criminalize normal behaviors is ludicrous and criminal in itself. There will never be a child who 'fits' a mold, like snowflakes, they are all different. Taking these laws literally and substituting the written languate of the law for adult interpretion, judgement, and involvement indicates a complete abdication of moral responsibility on the part of the adults involved.
Are there monsters out there? Yes, of course, we must not excuse or blind ourselve to them. But neither should we allow adult responsibility and judgement to be hijacked by paternilistic laws that seek to impossibly forsee every eventuality and circumstance. The law is a tool, a vehicle for civilized conduct and the not the driver of the vehicle.
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