I more than sick and tired of the obvious (and not so obvious) political pandering and anti-Bush sentiment that is now come to be a matter fact state of our major media outlets.I don't want to get off on too much of a rant, but much of what is occurring would have been considered treason in WWII. The picture being presented to the public about Iraq is so far from the reality that our own troops are reporting that it makes one wonder how anyone could possibly believe that there would be no challenge to this. Which just demonstrates the absolute arrogance of the media.
I could point you to all the various milblogs and other sources of information that support a more positive view of the state of Iraq. Instead, I'll point you to this website for a think tank that has a research paper just released that pretty well summarizes the true current state of affairs. What you will find if you choose to research this independently, as I did, is that there is a lot of misrepresentation taking place (our grandparents called it lying, but I'm trying to be Politically Correct). Contrary to what is being reported, it is not the administration that is shading the truth but our major news outlets.
I don't pretend to know all the reasons for this, or why anyone would think that they are performing a public service by trying to cast our efforts in the most negative light possible. Part of it is, I think, a Watergate/Tet Offensive mindset, where everyone in journalism wants to be the next great expose'.
Another is the devolution of the Democratic left from ideas to ideology. Their ideal appears to be a world socialism; ignoring the reality of how brutal that is for the majority of people. It more of the Mommy state - don't trouble your heads, the state knows whats best for you, even if it kills you (as it has under Stalin, Khmer Rouge, N. Vietnam, N. Korea, etc.) Like Plato, I believe most of the intelligensia that makes up the left feel that they would naturally be part of the elite and thus exempt from the strictures that the realization of their ideology would place on the great mass of humanity. History tells us that this same intellgentsia is usually the first victim of suppression, but lets not let facts get in the way of the discussion.
Then there is the outright madness (or instigation of revolution) that is found at the Daily Kos and the Democratic Underground. I will not link to those sites, but suffice to say in their more rational moments they appear to be looking for/planning an armed uprising in the 2006 elections if the Democrats get their clocks cleaned again. What they wish would happen to our troops is beyond reason; what they show is the triumph of ideology over reality and reason.
Now that I've got that off my chest…
Merry Christmas!!
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