Monday, December 05, 2005

The True Meaning of Christmas

Much has been said and more will be said in the battle to remove Christianity and Christ from the Christmas season. Watching public media, one could justly come to conclusion that the entire year has been spent in preparation for a gigantic orgy of spending. But this is not the reason for the season...

No, the true meaning of Christmas is all together different and really has no dependence on the giving or receiving of gifts. It is the sentiment that those gifts are meant to symbolize that is so vastly important, a sentiment that should transcend religious and political intolerance.

If you are a Christian, then you believe that Christmas primarily celebrates the birth of Christ, the Son of God. Yet in addition to that Christian belief, is the sentiment of love, forgiveness, and sharing with our fellow men that this season also symbolizes. In its more ancient roots, this season celebrates life itself. You may, dependent on your personnel beliefs, agree or disagree about the nature of Jesus. That does not, and should not, prevent you from celebrating family, sharing, and love your fellow man as part of the season.

John Whitehead at the Rutherford Institute says it far better than I can. See his commentary here.

Have a very Merry Christmas!!


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