Ignorant, Stupid, or a Liar...
I've done enough research on my one (long before the election) on materials from the CBO, Heritage Foundation, and Federnal reserve to know that there is abosutely no factual bases for this news release from Nancy Pelosi, the Democratic Minority Leader in the House.Ignorace is curable, if the victim is willing and has an open mind. Stupidity is incurable, especially if it is willful.
However, I think in this case we are seeing the "Big Lie", a practice made infamous by Hitler. It is based on the simple premise - if you make an outrageously false statement to a small audience with time to reason, you will be called on it. However, if you shout it out in a loud voice to a large audience repeatedly, critical thinking will go by the wayside.
What is really insulting about this is the assumption behind it, that most Americans are too stupid and ignorant to question such statements, that they will accept the most absurd lies if they are made authoritively. I believe this patronizing, elite to the peasant world view is responsible for much of the disconnect the current Democratic leadership.
That the majority of the public has rejected their viewpoint just enforces, to them, the ignorance and stupidity of us peasants. The tyranny of the righteous intellect lies at the end of this primrose path. Do you really want someone like this telling you how to run your life?
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