Friday, January 28, 2005

Grading the Social Security debate...

Alan Reynolds, writing at Human Events, continues his article on grading the various 'debaters' on Social Security reform.

If you've been following the debate and trying to verify source documents at all, his results are not going to come as much of a suprise. A consitent theme througout most of this is that the people/organizations that are against PSA's and view raising payroll taxes as necessary to support the current system persist in trying to downplay the coming crises and its likely cost. Yet they jump on the potential 'transition' cost of $1trillion to convert to PSA's (over ten years) even though thats less than one tenth the projected cost of doing nothing (aroun$11 trillion, not counting Medicare).

It is becoming more obvious that the real reason for resisting PSAs has nothing to do with a desire to protect or help retirees and everything with attempt to protect political power bases, even if it means hurting the US and the voters in the process.

I'm sure Senator Kennedy has a used car you could buy, its only been off a bridge once...


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