CBS Memogate Reprised...
According to this AIM report by Sherrie Gossett, the CBS Memogate with Rather represent a business as usual practice rather than an exception to the rule.Read her report and come to your own conclusions, but it appears that using discredited, ucorroborated, and questionable sources for sensational stories is a standard practice.
It seems obvious that rating and $$ are a primary driving force, with idealogical goals also adding to the mix. Jouranlism appears to be more about entertainment than factual reporting. Until the advent of the Internet and the explosion of alternate sources, there was no way for the average news consumer to cross check and find the extent to which they were being conned.
MSM should not be suprised that their market share is dropping; they have violated the unwritten convenent with the public by becoming the news instead of just reporting it.
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