With Friends like these...
The results of a year long study of materials provided by the government of Saudi Arabia to mosques in America has revealed some not so suprising results.Many reports about the royal family of Saudi Arabia have accused them of exporting their dissedents and extreme from of Islam abroad in order to deflect unrest at home.
This article by Katherine Clad at the Washinton Times reveals that documents provided by the Saudi government to US Mosques actively incite expatriate Muslims to
"The literature contained statements from Saudi religious figures appointed to government positions, and it was disseminated through mosques with known associations with the Saudi royal family, the report said. These documents advised Muslims in the United States on how to snub Jews and Christians, for example by refusing to greet them and congratulate them on religious holidays. In addition to demonizing "nonbelievers," documents call Muslims who practice a moderate interpretation of Islam and embrace tolerance traitors deserving of punishment, even death. Says one document: "Those who reside in the land of unbelief out of their own choice and desire to be with the people of that land, accepting the way they are regarding their faith, or giving compliments to them, or pleasing them by pointing out something wrong with the Muslims, they become unbelievers and enemies to Allah and his messenger." One particularly chilling tract urges Muslims to kill any Muslims who convert to another religion. It says of Muslims who accept Judaism or Christianity: "If you do not repent, you are an apostate and you should be killed because you have denied the Koran." This tract, published by the Saudi Ministry of Religious Affairs and written in Urdu, was collected at the King Fahd Mosque in Los Angeles and it quotes Sheik Bin Uthaimin as preaching this policy. "
Couple this promotion of violence with the acknowledge flow of foreign fighters into Iraq that either Saudi or receiving financial and logistical support from 'friends' within Saudi Arabia, and we a presented with a view of a Country that is actively conducting a covert guerilla war against the US and its interests.
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