Planned to Death
Planned to Death is an article on Human Events Online by Mac Johnson.It is a story of our times and some the choices Western Society made. It also is an illustration of the Law of Unintended Consequences - in the case from the advent of the Pill. The Birth Control pill freed us as a species and as Western Civilization from the hard coded link between Sex and reproduction; now we could have it for just the pleasure without worrying about the pitter patter of little feet that might result.
The intent was to free women from the risk of abortions (which curiously enough have not declined, but increased), and to give women control of their reproductive choices. At least that was the rhetoric. Somewhere along the way, the message morphed into dismissiveness, if not out right disrespect of anyone/any woman who chose to have children. Even worse, a woman that chose to have more than one or two. This prejudice against "breeders" underlies most of the feministic rhetoric today.
The trouble with this con-game that was played out on women and against Western Society, it that it ultimately results in cultural suicide. Nature abhors a vacumn - if our culture and society do not fill the political power structure, then another will. At this point in time that would Radical Islam, or a choice of 'pick your flavor of the week' socialist/marxists tyrannies. Contrary to Western Culture (and what most of the left would have you believe), none of these societies/cultures holds the rights or interests of the individual (you) in much esteem. In fact, you as an individual have but one purpose in these cultures - support of the state.
Feminism isn't much of a seller either - Islam prefers them pregnant and dead from the neck up, or just dead if they trouble the husband/father too much. Misogynistic is the politest term that can be used to describe any of these cultures.
Ironically, the same con game that sold Western Civilization the Pill is directly responsible for the troubles (economic and societal) that both we and Europe face for our social welfare programs. While we didn't go as whole hog hedonistic as Europe with its dramatic negative population growths, we are still facing the same dilema a little delayed - we didn't maintain a population base sufficient to support/provide for the social programs we developed to support the needy/aged.
It is not too late for either America or Europe, but it would require a sea change in our cultures and a realization that not only had we lied to ourselves, but also that there is no free ride. If you are a fan of individuals rights and freedoms, then you must be a fan of Western Civilization. Despite of the PC talk of the left, and the rampant anti-Americanism across the world, this is the culture that made all the we hold dear possible.