Warming This...
A great post from the Diplomad on the UN, Kyoto, and the global warming debate.It should be obvious to anyone who has considered the treaty in much detail, that by excluding the third world and China from its restrictions, the real goal of the treaty is to attack the economic foundation of the Western/Industrialized nations in general and the US in particular.
About the best one could say, is that the environmentalists have been hijacked by those governments/groups intent on conducting a covert economic WW. At worst it is a continuation of the "Man is bad, exterminate him (except for me, I'm good)" fantasy world that a lot of the environmentalists seem to reside in. This ignores the fact that the bio density of the Earth is higher than at anytime in recorded history, supporting a higher 'energy' state, and higher productivity than is possible without Man.
Is everything we do good? Of course not, but short of accepting world wide famine and extinctions of Man and other species, the present world cannot be 'unwritten'. I'm reminded of the yearly spectable of the anti-hunting movements trying to stop deer hunting in various locals. The most prominent effort that comes to mind was the overpopulation of deer in Florida a few years back. The game dept had organized a hunt to bring the population back into the support capacity of the available range. The 'antis' found out and were successful in getting an injunction to stop the hunt. The court approved option proposed by the antis was for volunteers/themselves to trap and move the deer to other areas. It was a spectacular failure; if memory serves, less than 8 deer were actually moved (at tremendous cost) and a significant portion of the herd was lost to starvation. Somehow, the natural slow death through starvation and starvation related diseases is supposed to be better the economically productive action of permitted and controlled hunting/herd management.
A similar story seems repeat itself annually in a suburb on the edge of San Antonio, Texas. The deer are 'encouraged' in by some residents feeding, and gardens. The population of deer is the cause of numerous traffic accidents/property damage. Each year, the attempt is made to arrange a hunt to bring the herd under control. Each year a few vocal Bambi brigade members get the hunt stopped in lieu of transporting the deer elsewhere. I don't think they've succeeded yet in moving more than one or two. The problem remains unresolved, and growing.
I think this is due in part to the misplaced view by many environmentalists (and I specifically exclude them from conservationists) that Man is somehow unrelated to and separate from the environment. By pursing this view, all of Man's activities are automatically bad, despite evidence to the contrary.
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