A 14 year old give birth in a grocery store...
At a San Antonio HEB, an employee heard a girl calling for help from the restroom. As it turns out, she was in labor and gave birth in the restroom. See the story here.The part of this story that strectches credulity/imaginantion to the breaking point is that the girl reports that she didn't know she was pregnant.
My Significant Other, says this is impossible, there are just too many changes that take place during a pregnancy for parents/others and the individual not to notice. Having been witness to this miraculous process in my wife, I can say that I can't imagine how anyone could not realize that something odd was happening - given the supposition that everyone involved was completely ignorant of sex and all other reproductive functions. I mean, a baby moving and kicking is not the same as have a bloated stomach after a full meal.
If you can believe this, then I'm sure that Eason Jordan would love to talk to you...
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